Top 5 Tips to Redesign Real Estate Website

If you are about to commence on a website redesign for your real estate business. There are several considerations that you need to make for redesign real estate website besides the look and feel of the webpage. These considerations can have an enormous impact on driving more visitors, converting more leads, and the bottom line of your real estate business. 

Tips to Redesign Real Estate Website

Some of the tips to redesign a real estate website are such as –

Look for inspiration

There are plenty of enormous sources to benefit you find inspiration for your redesign real estate website, and this does not always mean benchmarking your competitors or other real estate websites. One needs to look outside of the real estate industry. Web design galleries such as Awwwards, WebCreme, or Creattica are enormous places to start browsing around and scrutinize design elements, content, and communications. One need not be afraid to push the boundaries past the conventional cookie-cutter real estate website and stand out, even if it is on just one aspect. 

Optimize for the bottom line

Although it is good to have some input on aesthetics and design. Do not get lost in the nitty-gritty details as a good web designer will do this for you. Spend your focus and energy on the thing that concerns most i.e. leads. A website redesign is a chance to enhance and optimize your website for better lead conversions. This may maximize your inquires from potential buyers and sellers. This should be one of your most decisive objectives for real estate website.

Refresh the content

One of the key considerations of a redesign project is the significance it can have on SEO. There are certain steps that you need to take to avoid any issues that might have a negative impact. However, with a new page design and refreshed content, you will see a nice boost for your search engine rankings. One needs to take some time to improve upon and add a new copy to your most important pages. This does not unquestionably mean starting from the beginning. But adding new, unique content can endeavor you a bit more muscle to improve your search visibility and visits from active keywords. 

Get rid of heavy code

Technical and code enhancement under the hood is well worth considering. As they can have a positive impact on the performance of your website and also have big significance for SEO. You need to ask your web developer to do what he can to make your web pages lean and fast. That means getting eradicating excess, heavy code, and optimizing page load times for speed. Google loves fast websites just as much as humans do, and page performance is one of the ranking factors that can impact your visibility in search engines. 

Considering mobile and tablet versions

It is seen that mobile internet usage now comprises 20% of US Web traffic and doubles year over year. A growth rate cannot be ignored and will surely have a strong impact on your business. With the advent of HTML5 and responsive design, accomplishing a mobile version of your real estate website is a lot easier now. If you have not already thought about it, now it’s time to think about it. A redesign real estate project lends itself well to launching a mobile and tablet-optimized version of your website following your designer/developer’s vision of the desktop version. This can not only enhance the likelihood of converting visitors into leads. Apart from this, it can also gain your business more visibility in Google’s separate index for mobile.

Wrap Up

These are some of the tips that one needs to know to redesign a real estate website for boosting your business.




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