Real Estate Photography Jobs – A Complete Guide

Real estate photography is one of the most prominent photography genres. According to the Center for Relator Development, homes with high-quality photography sell over 30% faster. For this avert, the appeal for great real estate photos is high, with every real estate agent trying to outshine the competition. This can be a great way to start earning money from real estate photography jobs and get your name out there. 

How one can become a real estate photographer?

If you want to get a real estate photography job in the US, and want to want to start a career in real estate photography, one needs to follow these steps such as –

Study photography

Photographers have a broad knowledge of camera equipment, composition, and lighting. Apart from this, they also have an artistic eye. You can develop these skills by attending college, university, or art school and earning a bachelor’s degree in fine arts with a cynosure in photography. Learning from professionals can benefit you to understand best practices and guide you to become an expert. Having a degree may also make you more lucrative in your real estate career and boost confidence in your skills. However, becoming a real estate photographer does not need any degree if you previously have some technical skills and natural talent. 

Buy camera equipment

Real estate photography seizures a static subject, so only primary photography gear is necessary. You can be successful with equipment of cameras such as good camera, lens, tripod, and proper lighting. Here is what one needs to know about photography gear such as –

  1. Cameras – Still photography, such as real estate, does not require an expensive camera with ample features to produce quality real estate photographs. So you need to research a camera that might work perfectly for you and your budget. Two features you do require are multiple acknowledgment bracketing and the ability to trigger a remote flash. 
  2. Camera lens – A wide-angle lens acquiesces you to fit more in the frame, which makes them ideal for real estate photography. Taking photos with a wide-angle lens makes the houses you photograph emerge to be more comfortable.
  3. Tripods – Two decisive features to consider when picking a tripod are its sturdiness and maximum extension height. A sturdy tripod that supports the weight of your camera body and lens gives adherence as you shoot and ensures your photos do not come out blurry. 
  4. Lighting – Make use of favorable natural lighting when you can, but when shooting indoors, you can use various lighting tools such as a softbox and flash. A softbox can benefit fill shadows and brighten a room without overexposure, while a flash can adhere to your camera body or be used off-camera. 

Learn your camera and take photos

After buying your equipment, take time to learn the competent use of the features and settings of your camera. Get intimate with changing your lenses and flashes and adjusting your tripod. 

Becoming proficient in editing software

Photographs may need adjustments and enhancements. Editing software acquiesces you to crop, add light or exposure and sharpen your images. Learning how to edit real estate photos can give your work a professional look. So mastering this type of software is crucial to get some pleasing clients.

Creating a portfolio

Creating an online portfolio can represent your outstanding work and demonstrate your skills to potential clients. When you photograph a real estate property. You need to safeguard your rights to the images so that you can add them to your portfolio. 

Get clients

Begin building your client base by marketing your portfolio to any company that may need your service. Whenever you finish a job, ask your client for an allusion so that you can have a strong verification of your photography skills to include with your portfolio. When starting a client base, some real estate photographers endeavor an initial photographing service for free or at a discounted rate. This benefits you to build trust with a client and adds professional work to your portfolio. 

What average salary does an individual get as a real estate photographer?

In the US, the average salary of a real estate photographer is $53,633. The real estate photographer can earn an income ranging from $42,168 to $60,520, with a basic rate of $29 per hour. Some real estate photographers can earn about $20,000 per year on the lower end. While more experienced real estate photographers can earn over $150,000 per year. The individual who is fairly new in the real estate photography jobs may not make a lot of money right away. Although there are many ways for you to work on it deliberately. 

Do you think that you can do real estate photography jobs?

If you want to photograph your apartment, real estate, or property, and use these pictures on the internet. You must keep in mind which camera you will use. You should not work with the phone delinquent of the number of megapixels in the camera. Apart from this, you need a professional camera. You need to think carefully about the composition, to emphasize photography with what you think is decisive to the future tenants, what our object stands for, and what we think is especially about others. You need to think carefully about the composition, to emphasize photography with what you think is decisive to the future tenants, what our object stands for, and what we think is especially about others. 

What does a real estate photographer do?

Real estate photography is more than showing up to a real estate property and taking photos. Real estate photographers handle the pre-production and the post-production of their real estate photos. It is their responsibility to produce favorable property photos, and that work may include pre-photo decoration and post-photo enhancement and editing. Some of the job responsibilities of real estate photographers are such as –

  • Staging houses, offices, and other real estate properties for photos
  • Planning a shot list of images to take
  • Positioning lighting as needed
  • Preparing equipment for sessions, including charging batteries, packing camera bag, and clearing SD card
  • Maintaining camera and lighting equipment, which involves routine cleaning and bulb replacements
  • Building a photography portfolio
  • Networking with realtors and various other potential clients

Wrap Up

Real estate photography jobs can be an advantageous venture. In peculiar for people with a passion for landscapes and interior home photographs.





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